maandag 28 februari 2011

The poop facts

For years in a row dog poop is, in the perception of Dutch citizens, a steady number one in the list of causes of deterioration of the living community[1]. In the Netherlands, laws against  poop annoyance are exclusively made and executed by municipalities. A growing number of municipalities oblige dog owners to clean up their dog’s feces[2]. In the battle against dog poop, the main weapon used by local governments is repression[3]. The risk of a fine up to 90 euro is the single (adversative) stimulus that should motivate dog owners to comply to the desired behavior. Still, the motivation of dog owners to clean their dog’s feces is very low. We want to investigate how dog owner behavior can be changed in a desired direction by applying science and, more specific, User Interface Design. Based on theory on cognitive science we will design an interactive device that will change cleaning up dog feces into a fun and rewarding experience.

[1] source: De Beer, 2004
[2] source: Handreiking Bestuurlijke Boete Overlast, VNG (Association of Dutch Municipalities)
[3] source: Hondenpoepoverlast is mensenwerk, Gemeente Olst-Wijhe, maart 2009.

zaterdag 26 februari 2011

Smelly observations in Etten-Leur

The participating research phase of our project is coming to a climax with this week’s poop excursion into the beautiful town of Etten-Leur. We interviewed a bunch of dog owners and observed dogs in their most intimate action of the day. And o my God, this was the first time in my life I actually touched dog feces! A poop bag was the only tiny little thin separation between my bare hand and dog shit. I could feel the heath. And the smell!!! Well, this movie gives you a first impression of our busy week. Thanks to our talented video editor Dimphy G.

vrijdag 25 februari 2011

Use it, misuse it...

You can't win a batttle without a plan and you can't conduct good research without a good battle plan. So today we finished our research plan and after ample discussion we decided to share it with our fellow Tilburg University researchers of other UID projects. Not because we want to help them beat us in this User Interface Design competition, but just because we are nice. And oh, also beacause we want to show them they don't stand a chance! So here you go, use it, misuse it, whatever you want, as long as you keep out of our way.

donderdag 24 februari 2011


OMG! Team member and Mister SPSS Mikail mails me that we are facing a real tsunami of respondents that are filling our the questionnaire! Within two ours after publication via Thesistools, already 26 dog owners have filled out the questionnaire. And we are still counting. This morning, the body count was 70!

Reason for this succes: we posted the questionnaire on multiple forums of dog owners and asked them to help us out. Well, they did! And we say: thanks a lot!Wraf!

woensdag 23 februari 2011

Wanted: Dog owners

We beg dog owners to help us with our research by filling out a short quetionnaire on
This is because, as scientists at Tilburg University, we believe there is only one way to end dog poop terror: by applying science! So this week we started collecting our data. Not only by conducting participating research, as the previous blog message showed, but also by conducting a fair bit of quantitive research. So dog owners, make yourself immortal an help us help you. We love you!

dinsdag 22 februari 2011

Team leader Ralph gets his hands dirty

As we told you before, the best way to destroy your enemy is to know him thoroughly. So today we started a serious indepth study of shitting dog behavior. Our field study took us to the beautiful municipality of Etten-Leur, which for the upcoming weeks will form the home base of our experiments. In the freezing cold of dawn we observed and filmed pooing dogs and their owners and guess what: we learned hell of a lot from it. No wonder no one cleans up dog poop! Those poop bags are very unhandy, smelly, and there is no place to get rid of them accept your home bin. This problem is screaming for a user interface design solution!  

vrijdag 18 februari 2011

Know your enemy!

To all offfending dog owners, we know who you are! But do you know who we are? Ah, that's what I suspected. Well, lay down, drool and tremble. We are Pear, an anonymous group of five students of Tilburg University, who are deploying our cummaltive IQ of 716 points in the upcoming and already epic battle of hard science versus soft shit. And we are totally ready to get you. Those who are going to die greet you, and make no mistake: It will not be us!

vrijdag 11 februari 2011

We hate dog poop!

Is there anyone out there that has never had the enlightning experience of stepping into a pile of fresh & smokey dog poop, on a bright sunny sunday morning? Wel, I know I have, although with me it ususually seems to happen on a Monday morning. Did you know that one third of all Dutch citizens describes dog poop the number one annoyance in public space (source: CBS, 2007)? I strongly agree! Fot once and for all, this blog will learn society how to put an and to dog poop terror. Dogs and dog owners be warned! We will aplly science where it is most needed: on the streets, in the parks and at your doorstep. Hallelujah!