woensdag 9 maart 2011

The truth reveiled

Our extensive research resulted in a clear description of both the problem as the way we can contribute to its solution. First of all, we found that dog poop in public space is experienced as a huge problem. Local governments are struggling to find a solution. Surveys among dog owners in different municipalities show that the main reason dog owners refuse to clean up their dog’s feces is because:
- It is inconvenient;
- There’s no place to get rid of the filled poop bags;
Our survey and observations show that the majority indeed feel it inconvenient to clean up dog’s feces. Results of the survey show that the respondents don’t like to walk around with a filled poo bag. Most of the time they take the dog out at a dog walk area where they don’t have to clean it up. The observations showed that ones who let their dog poo on board walks or public gardens do not take the effort to clean it up. Most of the gardens are filled with other feces! Also, other surveys show that, in order to change dog owners behavior, local governments should:

- Provide enough bins to get rid of the filled poop bags;
- Provide free poop bags to dog owners;

However, none of these studies have taken into account scientific theory on human behavior and human-dog relationships. We believe the solution lies here! First of all we found that the only stimulus used by local governments to motivate dog owners to is a negative stimulus (punishment by penalty). This exclusively repressive method of motivation shows obvious similarity with the way dogs (Canis familiaris ) were trained until about 15 years ago. Since the well known experiments of Pavlov we know that dog behavior can easily be conditioned. Research shows that in dog training, applying positive stimuli like rewarding is a much more effective means to change dog behavior than the use of negative stimuli, like punishment
- Dog owners should not be convinced to clean up their dog’s poop by thread of financial punishment (alone), but by financial reward.

Secondly, we believe that the positive correlation between dog and human wellbeing could be put into advantage. Thus, it is very well possible that we can reward a dog owner by rewarding his dog. And you don’t need science to learn that there is no better way to reward a dog than to donate something eatable.

- A dog owner could be rewarded by rewarding its dog;
- A considerable part of our target group suffers from lack of time; Therefore:
- The disposal of dog feces should be made quick, convenient and easy.

From our participating experiment we learned that walking the streets with a hot, filled poop bag is a dreadful experience. This was affirmed by 70.2 % of respondents in our survey. Although the feces are concealed in a bag, you get a feeling that you want to wash your hands immediately. That would be more hygienic anyway!
. Does the same go for people, like dog owners?
Yes! Studies within cognitive psychology show that people, like their dogs, are easily conditioned, but not by punishing (alone)! Especially in the theory of operant conditioning we found proof that positive stimuli can be an effective way in changing human behavior into a desired direction
. This is also confirmed by our survey in which dogowners say that fines, government obligations and the chances of getting caught is not a motivation to clean up dog feces.

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