maandag 2 mei 2011

SnoepDog for budget prices

Well good news here for local governments that do want to introduce the SnoepDog, but are in these days of cutbacks not willing to invest a lot of money in them. Marketing has brought us the insight of product differantiation, so why not use it? The SnoepDog is coming to you in four variations: Budget, Intermediate and Elite. Here are the feautrues:

Small garbage collector with limited options. Dog owners have a card which unlocks a hole in the garbage collector.

1.      Dog defecates
2.      Dog owner checks in with his card
3.      The owner can access the recycable paper bags and takes one out
4.      The owner puts the feces in the bag and throws it in the SnoepDog
5.      Chunks of dog food fall out in a small opening at the base of the SnoepDog
6.      Dog is conditioned to defecate near the SnoepDog

Same options as the budget SnoepDog, but this trash can has a flatscreen. On this screen various dog training tips appear when you check in with your card. By checking in, the SnoepDog registers how many times you throw away your dog's feces. The more feces you throw away, the more points you earn. With these points you can get a discount on your dog taxes.

1.      Dog defecates
2.      Dog owner checks in with his card
3.      The dog owner can see on the screen how many times he has checked in and how many times he has to throw away dog feces before he receives a dog tax reduction
4.      The owner can access the recycable paper bags and takes one out
5.      The owner puts the feces in the bag and throws it in the SnoepDog
6.      A video with dog training tips are shown on the screen
7.      Chunks of dog food fall out in a small opening at the base of the SnoepDog
8.      The dog owner now knows how he can train his dog with the help of food
9.      Dog learns new tricks and receives food
10.  Dog is conditioned to defecate near SnoepDog
11.  Dog owner saves for tax reduction

Same options as the Intermediate SnoepDog, but there are extra options:
·         Sun shade above the screen, so the users can read the screen better when it is sunny.
·         Paper bags with disinfecting lotion in them
·         Dog owners receive a chip to attach to the dog's collar instead of a card. In most households a dog is being walked by more than one person. If that person has the card in his wallet, the others can not dispose the dog feces in the SnoepDog.
·         Dog owners can earn points when they throw away the dog's feces. With these points they can reduce their dog taxes or play a game to win a prize.
·         When the dog chunks fall out a high pitched sound is played through a speaker which only the dogs can hear, so they know there is food.

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